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Teleshuttle Corporation

Intranet Benefits

A "complete" checklist of the benefits obtained with intranet-based communications

Objective: Organizations considering the business case for these tools may use this list as a starting point to help identify the key benefits as they pertain to specific situations. This is a work in progress, and comments and suggestions are welcome.

A Working Paper by Richard R. Reisman, Teleshuttle / The Media Foundry™

(revised 11/4/96)

Motivation: Quantum improvements in the power, ease-of-use, and economy of intranet-based communications are expected to quickly fulfill the long-elusive promise to radically and thoroughly transform the nature of enterprise. Most companies are starting with high-potential / low cost pilot projects to prepare for broad deployment over the next 1-2 years. The impact of this transformation is primarily social and organizational, not technical.

General communications benefits

Productivity (process efficiency)

Effectiveness (business results)

Cost reduction

Low cost development and delivery (communications and basic applications functions)

Contact Information

Richard R. Reisman, President, Teleshuttle Corporation
799 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
(212)-673-0225 fax: (212)-673-0226

© 1996, Teleshuttle Corporation. <> All rights reserved. Permission is granted for reproduction, in whole or part, if not for profit, and provided that credit is given to Teleshuttle / The Media Foundry and this copyright notice is displayed in its entirety.

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