Teleshuttle CorporationHealthSCOUT / RxRemedy Engagement

Richard Reisman's engagement as Managing Director, Operations and Technology and Chief Technology Officer

Built the technology platform and the support operation for, an innovative Web-based B2B2C health information service. Delivered Web services through syndicated affiliations with hundreds of Web sites, including CompuServe, Prodigy, Yahoo!, Earthlink, DrKoop, iVillage, Snap, iWon, USA Today, Knight-Ridder, Scripps, Phys, BeWell (HealthGate), Physicians Online, and corporate clients, including Harvard Pilgrim and the US Government. Staff 25+, budget $5+ million.

Selected HealthSCOUT News Releases

May 16, 2000: Rx Remedy And InfoSpace Announce a Broad eHealth Initiative In a Multi-Million Dollar Multi-Year Marketing Agreement
June 7, 2000:   Rx Remedy Inc. to Launch A New Internet Business -- The HealthSCOUT Network
June 15, 2000: Rx Remedy Acquires Utah Health Informatics to Create Highly Personalized Healthcare Solutions

Richard R. Reisman: Biography / Background Details
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Contact Information

Richard R. Reisman, President, Teleshuttle Corporation
20 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10003

© 1996-2000, Teleshuttle Corp. All rights reserved (7/00)