Developed a powerful method for simple, economical communications, and obtained US patents.
Led development and marketing, obtained worldwide press coverage, created effective Web site, and generated interest from a broad spectrum of leading companies. Obtained development and co-marketing agreements with Folio Corporation and Electronic Book Technologies, Inc.
Operated online update service for customers CD-ROM products, including the Blockbuster Video Guide to Movies & Videos and the WHO International Digest of Health Legislation.
Developed and marketed the first software for offline access to World Wide Web content.
Negotiated patent licenses to British Technology Group, a leading global commercialization firm, and maintained continuing involvement in developing patent portfolio.
Consulted for AppliedTheory (a high-end Internet Service Provider) on marketing strategy and communications, Dunkin' Donuts on intranet business requirements, Dow Jones / Telerate on a news search service, IDD Information Services on a ticker watch service, and The Classified Connection on a newspaper classified service, CLT Research on Web surveys, and others.
Developing patents in Internet communications, e-business, searching, interactive television, intellectual property marketplaces, data exchange for intelligent appliances, and digital media archiving
1998- HealthSCOUT / RxRemedy
Managing Director, Operations and Technology, Chief Technology Officer
Built the technology platform and the support operation for, an innovative Web-based B2B2C health information service. Delivered Web services through syndicated affiliations with hundreds of Web sites, including CompuServe, Prodigy, Yahoo!, Earthlink, DrKoop, iVillage, Snap, iWon, USA Today, Knight-Ridder, Scripps, Phys, BeWell (HealthGate), Physicians Online, and corporate clients, including Harvard Pilgrim and the US Government. Staff 25+, budget $5+ million. (Company background)
UNET, Inc.
EVP and Co-Founder
Established an innovative business to develop and operate private-branded online services in joint ventures with major magazines that pioneered features for publisher-controlled look-and-feel.
Obtained a contract to develop TV Guide Online in partnership with TV Guide / News Corp. Led development through consumer beta test. Sold joint venture interest to News Corp., and continued work as development/production contractor, in cooperation with Delphi Internet Services.
BASELINE Information for the Entertainment Industry
General Manager, Consumer Services
Managed all aspects of a pioneering consumer interactive services business.
Developed and managed operation of Penthouse Magazines first online service business in a partnership drawing on their content and marketing
Developed a consumer version of Baseline's film information service, and set up distribution through a variety of online channels, including US West CommunityLink.
Director, Product Development
Managed development and operations for online news / data services for the film and TV industries.
Enhanced the product suite to yield a 50% increase in revenue with no increase in costs.
Introduced numerous products and enhancements: database/news services, downloading services, database search improvements, access to Eaasy Sabre, and PC / Mac communications software.
Served as managing editor for six months, and made major content improvements in key databases.
Started-up distribution via Nexis and Bloomberg (online), and Microsoft (Cinemania CD-ROM).
McGraw-Hill / Standard and Poor's
Director, Computers and Communications
Provided computer and communications services to produce information products valued at $70 million and deliver them online in real-time. Staff 45, budget $7 million.
Designed and implemented an international network to post Eurobond dealer offerings, using digital broadcast and interactive X.25 links.
Streamlined data center operations to cut 10 positions, and planned a data center consolidation which cut 10 more, for a total annual savings of over $1 million.
Managed 15 clustered DEC and HP computers, diverse data and voice communications, and applications systems development.
Mobil Corporation
Manager, Network Management
Established a worldwide network management organization and centralized support of the corporate SNA data networklinking 18 mainframe computer centers and 25,000 terminals on four continents.
Manager, Headquarters Operations
Provided computer, communications, and office systems services to 3000 users. Budget $12 million.
Reduced permanent staff from 67 to 57, while effectively supporting major growth.
Implemented an industry-leading IBM/Wang e-mail network to serve 4000 users at 70 locations.
Built a $2.5 million computer room expansion and integrated office systems, message switching, and data processing systems and operations staffs.
Manager, Computer Services Planning and Control
Directed planning and administration for the corporate worldwide computer utility center. Services included MVS, TSO, IMS, CICS, VM/CMS, and DEC-20. Budget $30 million.
Supervisor, Computer Technology Evaluation
Provided strategic guidance and approved major hardware and software acquisitions, worldwide.
Developed effective strategies for distributed processing, data base/query systems, time sharing systems, electronic publishing, and high-end scientific computing.
Created first corporate data communications group and set network architecture policy.
Introduced top management to the emerging strategic impact of information systems.
1968-1974 AT&T / Western Electric Company (now Lucent Technologies)
Corporate Systems Management - Coordinating multiple computer centers.
Lehigh University Fellowship Program - Company-sponsored master's degree and research.
Database Management System Development - Design and programming lead.
Finalist for Multi-Media Entrepreneur of 1995 award from the Silicon
Alley Initiative. Articles in trade and professional journals. Frequently
address trade, professional, academic groups. MIT Enterprise Forum: Executive Board. ACM
National Lecturer.
Lehigh University - M. S. in Operations Research / Industrial Engineering
Brown University - A. B. in Applied Mathematics 1968
Richard R. Reisman, President, Teleshuttle Corporation
20 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10003
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