Electronic Delivery Made Easy

Note: Teleshuttle's proprietary software and online operations services are no longer marketed.
Please view the consulting information on the Teleshuttle home page.
The information shown dates from 1996 or earlier, and remains relevant to the history of CD/online/Web hybrid technology.

With Teleshuttle, your customers can update your CD-ROM or disk-based reference works, magazines, games, brochures and catalogs - or get information on demand - with one mouse click. And the new information they receive via modem can be seamlessly woven into your application - without changing look-and-feel and without any communications hassles.

Teleshuttle also enables users to send information back to you, including product inquiries and catalog orders.

Updates and Information-on-Demand

Orders and Information Gathering

...All with unmatched simplicity, economy, and flexibility for both the developer and the user!

See our Product and Services Overview to learn more about this uniquely simple, low-cost, and powerful approach to online communications.

See our list of Product Applications for a partial list of the many kinds of products that can be enabled.

Check the contents directory on our home page for other information on Teleshuttle.

Contact us for additional background on how this simple, but powerful technology can work for your products and customers.