Teleshuttle Product Applications
Note: Teleshuttle's proprietary software and online
operations services are no longer marketed.
Please view the consulting information on
the Teleshuttle home page.
The information shown dates from 1996 or earlier, and remains relevant to the
history of CD/online/Web hybrid technology.
CD-ROM or diskette products - Commercial and Consumer
Updates and Supplements
- Reference libraries: updates, new entries
- Encyclopedias: updates, new entries
- Almanacs: updates, new entries
- Financial data: latest prices, statistics
- Legal data: regulations, cases
- Sports: latest scores, statistics
- Games: additional games, puzzles, etc.
- Recipes: new recipes
- Medical info: updates, topical features
- Tax programs: revised forms, instructions
- Government information: regulations, forms
- Magazines: new features
- Newsletters: new issues
- Catalogs: prices, new items, deletions
- Software products: updates
- Software samplers: keys to unlock products
- Advertisements: additional information
- Product information: new items, specs, supplements
- Web sites: free, direct-dial access to the same content
Responses and Inquiries
- Catalogs: ordering
- Surveys: responses
- Polls and contests: responses, entries
- Advertisements: electronic bingo cards
- Customer info: registrations, demographics
- Software products: registration
- Education: examinations