Zone -
Conceptual Diagram
This diagram is intended to depict some aspects
of the FairPay pricing process and how it enables dynamically adaptive
hybrids of free and paid sales.
First,we have the conventional model of free
access to some limited set or amount of products/services, and the "pay
wall" that limits access and forces users to pay set prices for usage beyond that limited set
or amount. (There may be varying levels or tiers of pricing behind the
pay wall for premium services, or varying usage levels.)
With FairPay, that model would presumably
remain, but be supplemented by the availability of a FairPay zone, as a
complementary process:

This FairPay Zone is shown above the conventional
pay wall to suggest that users are permitted to rise above the pay wall on a
provisional basis, as long as he maintains an acceptable FairPay reputation
for fairness in their payments, as judged by the seller. Instead of
passing through a rigid pay wall, users may be invited to enter the FairPay
Zone. The offer to do so provides the ground rules for Fair Pay What
You Want pricing, and the understanding that that freedom is a limited
privilege that will be revoked if the results are not satisfactory to the
seller (with consideration to any reasons for pricing that might seem
unfair). Within the FairPay Zone, there is a flexible range of prices
corresponding to usage and value received. That range is wider and
more adaptable than fixed price tiers.
Thus the buyer who is invited into the FairPay
Zone can enjoy the freedom to float above the pay wall in an ongoing dialog
with the seller, but if his fairness does not justify that privilege, he may
find himself bounced back down into the pay wall of "take it or leave it"
pricing. |